EC2 Cost Optimization
On-Demand - Pay by the hour.
- Pay only for the seconds that the instance is on running state
- Recommended to Short term irregular workflows that cannot be interrupted
Savings Plans - Commit to a certain usage for a discount
- Compute Savings Plan: 66% discount to any ec2 instance
- Ec2 Instance Savings Plan: 72% discount on a instance family in a region
Reserved instances - 1 to 3 year commitment including instance type and region
- Applied to On Demand Instances
- Can be convertible to different instance prices
Spot Instances -> bid on unused machines and pay lower prices!
Dedicated Hosts - Get a physical host fully dedicated
Dedicated Instances - pay per hour on instances that run on single-tenant hardware
Capacity Reservation - Reserve a capacity for Ec2 in a specific AZ for any duration
- Needs to provide: AZ, Number of Instances, EC2 type, tenancy, platform/OS
- Automatically used by running instances that match the attributes
Links: EC2