Criticism of cryptocurrencies and Robinhood

Munger is critical of cryptocurrencies, referring to Bitcoin in particular as "noxious poison." 26 Munger also compared Robinhood to gambling, saying that its success is due to "people who know how to take advantage essentially of the gambling instincts of, not only American public, worldwide public" and further explained why he thinks individual investments without commission is tantamount to gambling. "If you cater to those gambling chips, when people have money in their pocket for the first time, and you tell them they can make 30 or 40 or 50 trades a day, and you're not charging them any commission, but you're selling their order flow or whatever, I hope we don't have more of it."27 He has also said the use of cryptocurrency should be banned and said it was "beneath contempt"; 28 that bitcoin was "stupid, "immoral," and "disgusting" and that "'It's like somebody else is trading turds and you decide, 'I can't be left out'";29 and that it was like a venereal disease,30 among other things. This type of talk inspired pushback from cryptocurrency supporters.31
