EC2 Networking and Security

Uses security groups and VPCs to manage access to the internet
Can associate static IPv4 address (Elastic IP Address)


Security Groups

Virtual firewall. Controls inbound and outbound traffic.
A good practice is to apply the least permissive rule as possible.

We can use SSM to manage the session for the ssh permission instead of publicly opening the port 22

still have to find how to do this with terraform


Network Access Controllers
Optional layer of security for VPCs. Each subnet can be associated with one or more NACL. They have separated inbound and outbound rules. And are very useful to deny access.

Security Groups are stateful, NACLs are stateless


Specify the CIDR block for the subnet, which is a subset of the VPC CIDR block.
A subnet with traffic routed to an internet gateway is a public subnet

Elastic Network Interfaces

Logical networking component in a VPC that can provide access to a network. A single instance can have more than one ENI, and because of that, an EC2 instance can have access to more than one network.

Learn More: IP Addressing in VPC

Links to: EC2, VPC