User Stories

User Stories

Stories should be always user focused. Behavior driven even. Stories should not take more than a couple days to be completed. They can be part of a larger effort (EPIC) but they should be self contained.
We must remove technical implementation details from User Stories all together. Whatever the implementation take is, it's an engineering problem and not a management problem.
Desired outcome, not the solution.
A good rule of thumb is: A good user story is One Small Thing that the user needs, not everything that they might desire.

People tend to think that User stories needs to capture all user wants from a feature to be valuable, making it more complicated and testing more difficult
A story cannot be a statement of the work that needs to be done, this fall under either by over-specification or remote control programming

Bigger stories rely on getting things right the first time. It gives very few space for course correction. You need a perfect guess of what the user wants.

Writing small stories is difficult.

Fifty Quick Ideas To Improve Your User Stories